Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wal-mart Going From Cheap to Chic!!!

We've notice lately by watching commercials that Wal-mart no longer has the cute little smiley face that continues to lower Wal-mart prices. They don't want to be considered only cheap but they also want to be considered a store with good quality. Wal-mart's launch of a new higher priced clothing line ended in a negative outcome because consumers did not associate them with being a place to shop for expensive clothing. Think about it, do you really go there to buy clothing or low cost household products, groceries, school supplies, and toiletries? Wal-mart has been so successful in making consumers feel like its the best place to save money and now its shows more of the serious commercials with employees really excited about working for Wal-mart instead of customers saving money.

Wal-mart has done such a great job by drilling in our heads that it is a place where you will find the lowest prices that it seems silly to think that you can go in Wal-mart and find a nice going out outfit. We think that they should stick to what they do best by being a store that's known for great prices. Suggestions that we feel will help Wal-mart:

  • A more organized store layout

  • Cleaner environment

  • Better customer service

  • Knowledgeable employees

In Wal-marts new gas commercials they focus on saving customers money on gas, which is another thing we associate with Wal-mart now (cheap gas). Overall Wal-mart is always going to be considered a place to really bargain shop! Wal-mart will probably lose a majority of their customers if they continue to raise their prices and add expensive priced clothing or their just going to lose money (like they did previously) because nobody is going to buy it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Vera Wang going Mass Market

Our thoughts on the first day of class were pretty open-minded. We had a interesting debate about Vera Wang and her new clothing line that's suppose to launch in Kohl's stores. Some of the thoughts stated in class were it would help her increase awareness among all types of shoppers. Others stated that she would lose crediability among her loyal customers because her name won't be so exclusive anymore! What are some of your thoughts about this?