Sunday, September 30, 2007

Vogue Goes to India!

The fashion bible known as, Vogue is looking for new customers so they decided to promote their brand in India. Vogue wants to encourage guilt-free consumption for consumers in this country.The magazine is going to be 400 pages that includes ads from Gucci to Louis Vuitton.
If the brand succeeds there will be great potential for growth because the population is constantly increasing in this country.
The obstacle that Vogue might face is the consumption of magazines in India. According to figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulation, about 6 million people subscribe to magazines out of a population with over a billion. Vogue has to market this brand so well that the consumption rate for magazines will increase. They should put there magazines in places where their target market goes to on a regular basis. The cover of the magazine can promote more people to become interested if they see someone who is very influential in their society on it.Vogue has a lot of work to do in India to make sure that they will become a successful magazine. What kind of marketing ideas do you think will help with the success of India's acceptance to Vogue?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Three Things Successful Firms Offer Customers

When you walk into your favorite discount, clothing or grocery store you might not consciously think about why you go there so often. The reason why you might go to a particular store on a regular basis is because they offer at least one of the selling factors that a successful firm must provide to consumers. As you read the following factors think about which best relates to some of your favorite stores!!
  • Something Different: Whether we realize it or not we want to be different. Sometimes original and common items are just broing. Successful firms have learned that consumers desire things that are unusual or exclusive. Urban Outfitters is agreat example of a clothing store that offers different clothing that shows creativity and vinatge styling. Some grocery stores like Harris Teeter offers different types of cheese, wines, and breads that other grocery do not have.
  • Something Better: When customers become disastified with a product or service they immediatley look for something better. A firm can observe their competition and offer the same service or product with an extra benefit. Firms can also promote the idea that they should be chosen by having sale promotions and the same products that others offer but with a higher quality.
  • Something Cheaper: Consumers like to save money, so many firms have become successful with promoting the idea that they are cheaper. A discount store such as, WalMart has done an excellent job with positioning their company as the best place to go when you want something cheap. Firms usually make a large profit when their known for low prices because they recieve high volume of consumers.

Which firms can you think of that advertises the idea of being something different, better, or cheaper?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Celebs in Trouble.... Is the Media Going to Far?

So in class the other day we were given the assignment to write about a celebrity that is on the verge of ethical or unethical and tell how if we were their branding manager how we would help the celeb generate or continue to generate sales. So when brainstorming about this topic I started thinking about all of the celebrities that have been or are in trouble right now as we speak for doing something unethical.

Now by no means am I a football fan but I cant help but listen to the never ending story on NFL Star quarterback Michael Vick who was arrested for dog fighting. Now I don't agree with dog fighting by any means and I know very much so that this is unethical but I cant help but to notice all the attention he is getting over something millions of people do everyday, he just got caught! Vick has lost tons of endorsements because of this which is a lesson in it self and continues to be put on the plate of criticism because of a sport many people do on a daily basis. Now I know I'm playing devils advocate a little bit because I know he was wrong for allowing dog fights to take place in his home but is it really worth him going to jail over? I would have to absolutely disagree. There are far worse things being done in this world than just someone allowing dogs to fight for a hobby.

I really feel because of his celebrity status their trying to make an example out of him. He has been suspended from playing football and may even serve jail time! I just think it's kind of crazy.

I don't know........ sometimes I think being a celebrity can do you more harm than good. Yes Michael Vick is wrong and very unethical in his judgement but where do we draw the line and realize celebrities are human too they also make mistakes and all this controversy over Vick dog fighting I feel can be placed into putting people who do far worst things in jail.......

What do y'all think about the Michael Vick Story and his charges that may lead to jail time?????

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Where Can I Shop for Appropriate Clothes if I'm a Tween?

In America some of the top consumers are between the ages of 8-12 , known as tweens. Tweens are usually able to persuade their parents to buy them things that they want. In the clothing retail market there are some mixed messages sent out to this age group concerning what type of clothing that should be worn.

Some retailers have clothes that are considered to be too sexy for young girls. For example you are able to find thongs and breast pads in a tween store. Wow, what dad wants to buy their little girl such intimate apparel?Graphic tees are very popular with some negative logo designs printed on them. Having this type of material for tweens might encourage them to act as an adult. At this age you may want to feel mature but you should still enjoy your childhood. There is no anticipation to becoming an adult if you can purchase the same things that they can!!

Another issue for the clothes that are targeted to this market is "baby stuff". Some of the apparel looks like it is designed for a two year old but made in the size for a nine year. Although a tween is still young they are two old to act like a baby so they should not look like one.

There is an issue for creating appropriate clothes for this age group. Right now the clothes are from one extreme to the other. To help this problem designers should take the time to study this age group behavior and design the "right" clothing. Maybe there can be a variety of more graphic tees that have positive and relative logos on them, and other types of clothing made that parents would feel comfortable when buying for their child.