Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Celebs in Trouble.... Is the Media Going to Far?

So in class the other day we were given the assignment to write about a celebrity that is on the verge of ethical or unethical and tell how if we were their branding manager how we would help the celeb generate or continue to generate sales. So when brainstorming about this topic I started thinking about all of the celebrities that have been or are in trouble right now as we speak for doing something unethical.

Now by no means am I a football fan but I cant help but listen to the never ending story on NFL Star quarterback Michael Vick who was arrested for dog fighting. Now I don't agree with dog fighting by any means and I know very much so that this is unethical but I cant help but to notice all the attention he is getting over something millions of people do everyday, he just got caught! Vick has lost tons of endorsements because of this which is a lesson in it self and continues to be put on the plate of criticism because of a sport many people do on a daily basis. Now I know I'm playing devils advocate a little bit because I know he was wrong for allowing dog fights to take place in his home but is it really worth him going to jail over? I would have to absolutely disagree. There are far worse things being done in this world than just someone allowing dogs to fight for a hobby.

I really feel because of his celebrity status their trying to make an example out of him. He has been suspended from playing football and may even serve jail time! I just think it's kind of crazy.

I don't know........ sometimes I think being a celebrity can do you more harm than good. Yes Michael Vick is wrong and very unethical in his judgement but where do we draw the line and realize celebrities are human too they also make mistakes and all this controversy over Vick dog fighting I feel can be placed into putting people who do far worst things in jail.......

What do y'all think about the Michael Vick Story and his charges that may lead to jail time?????

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